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Monster Fun Christmas Special

Monster Fun Christmas Special
Monster Fun issue 26

Released 8 hours from now

Issue 26 in the series.

Alec Worley, Roger Langridge, Ned Hartley, David Bulmer, Stacey Whittle, Derek Fridolfs, Pete Wells, RAMZEE, The Feek, Matt Baxter & Chris Garbutt
Abigail Bulmer, P.J. Holden, Andreas Butzbach, Karl Dixon, Dan Boultwood, Rebecca Morse, Ruairi Coleman, stephen Webster, Wayne Thompson, Valentina Pinto, Brett Parson & Alec Worley
Barbara Nosenzo, Hadrien Yannou & Len O'Grady
Oz, Leila Jess, Ozwaldo Sanchez, Sarah Fimm, Anna Nass, Kay ‘Nine’ Mowlah, Sue-Marion Padurii & Josè Ruiz
Cover Artist
Matt Baxter


Stories include:


Rebellion 2000 AD Treasury of British Comics

Monster Fun is published by Rebellion, home of 2000 AD, Treasury of British Comics and Roy of the Rovers. All enquiries will be seen by our Publishing Customer Support team.